zondag 1 juli 2018

Matt "The Lone Wanderer" Hawk Log #0005:

Matt "The Lone Wanderer" Hawk Log #0005:
Day 11 outside of the vault.
So after tracking further into the city centre I made it to "Arlington Cemetary". Place is rather melancholy.
Found a dead guy in a duster, put it over on top of my vault suit since I had to leave my Power Armor in the metro.
It ran out of Microfusion cells. He also had some info about a group of vigilantes called "The Regulators".
I've decided to join up with them after meeting up with Three Dog. There was a note on a bounty the dead Regulator
was after. The guy with the bounty is called "Junders Plunkett", if I clear that bounty they are bound to take me in.
Will update when I reached Galaxy News Radio.

Matt "The Lone Wanderer" Hawk Log #0004:

Matt "The Lone Wanderer" Hawk Log #0004:
Day 10 outside of the vault.
It's been a while since I last wrote in my log, been to busy exploring what I now know is called "The Capitol Wasteland".
Also came across some hulking monstrosities called "Super Mutants" S.O.B's are hard to
take down. After taking some down some guy in some sort of robot metal armor approached me. Later found out his armor was
called "Power Armor" and that he was part of a group called "The Brotherhood of Steel Outcasts". He saw my pip-boy and
asked for my help, promising some high-tech weapons in return. Of course I accepted and before I knew I was strapped into
a chair ready to be launched into a simulation. Felt like days in there, no, weeks even. Learned a lot about combat in there.
It was a simulation about one of the last big battles during the Great War, the battle for Anchorage. Learned how to shoot
properly, how to wear and use Power Armor as well as advanced combat and how to fix weapons. When I came out of there I felt like
a changed man. Any way when I came out the armory was unlocked but there was some sort of coup, killed the purpetrator and
the guy in charge "McGraw" was very thankful. Left in some Winterised T-45d Power armor coated in Outcast colors. Also
had a new shiny MP5 with a ACOG scope and a suppressor attached, "infiltrator" was carved in the barrel.

Heading for the city centre now hoping to find some answers and maybe to find a permanent place I could call home.
When I arrived in the city centre nearly everything was turned to rubble. Met some interesting fellow called Dukov.
Not only that but I came across a water purification plant, cleared the super mutants out of there and I might return
there pretty soon. Then a little while later I came across an actual working metro station, can you believe that?!?
According to the metro plans it should go the a place called "Las Vegas". Can't go there yet though, have to find my dad first.

Matt "The Lone Wanderer" Hawk Log #0003:

Matt "The Lone Wanderer" Hawk Log #0003:
Day 4 outside of the vault.
Suffered from some mild radiation poisoning yesterday but I took care of it swiftly, luckily my dad was a good doc. Some
things must have rubbed of on me. After that I came across former people turned into rotting half-corpses. Heard from some
guy on this radio station that they are called "Ghouls" and not the friendly type, no the feral type. Cleared them out and
I'm now on my way to what used to be Washington D.C. looking for that guy on the radio, "Three Dog". He is bound to have some
answers, I'm sure he can help me out with the basics of this new world. Hell maybe he has even seen or heard something about my dad.

Matt "The Lone Wanderer" Hawk Log #0002:

Matt "The Lone Wanderer" Hawk Log #0002:
Day 2 outside of the vault.
I've hiked for a long while now. Came across tons of hostile raiders that shot at me on sight but I also came across some
fairly nice people. Guess not everyone is an asshole, I'll still remain cautious around others though. Came across a
abandoned barn with some stuff in it and looted it when suddenly I came face to face with a fellow scavenger with his dog.
We were both a bit weary of eachother but after a while I suggested I'd share some food with him to defuse the situation.
All went well for a while and I actually started to like the guy however when I looted a defunct robot. After this he went
berserk and pulled a gun on me, had to kill him... and his dog as well. I don't know if I like my way of life now.

Decided to stay of the main road for now as I don't want any confrontations for the coming while. Reached some sort of Junkyard
where some raiders were about to kill a poor dog. Maybe as some way to redeem myself I saved the dog and it has remained
by my side since. Lovely little guy really, and handy as well. Has delivered me a few weapons as well as ammo hidden somewhere in the rubble.
His previous owner must have been a scavenger and he certainly trained him well.
Time to call it a day.

Matt "The Lone Wanderer" Hawk Log #0001:

Matt "The Lone Wanderer" Hawk Log #0001:
Day 1 outside of the vault.
I've escaped Vault 101 and I still can't believe how it went down.
Dad's gone without telling me anyhting, woke up to screaming and Amata in my room,
talk about a rude awakening. So she tells me my dad has opened the vault and just up and left... wtf?!
She then tells me her dad and his goons are on their way to either kill or torture me for information and
that I have to get out as soon as possible. Pinched myself just to be sure I wasn't having some sort of nightmare.
She then tells me that they already killed Jonas, may god rest his soul, and tries to give me a pistol.
Told her that she'd better keep it in case they figure out she helped me and I went to get my dad's old
Desert Eagle, hoping that it would still be there. After the escape I wandered around a bit until I found this, what used
to be a school, here. Found some really nasty and quite unwelcome group of people in there. They left me no choice and
I had to kill them. Found some guns and ammo on them as well as a stash of food. Starting to realise how life outside the vault
is and it sure is different. From now on every day will be a fight for survival.

I patched up my vault suit with some of the raider armor to make it a bit more sturdier and combat ready. Also made a holster
and a backpack for my stuff. Set up shack in one of the classrooms and set up some traps, time to call it a day.
I'll resume the search for my father tomorrow.

donderdag 29 september 2011

I LUV U PU!!!!!!!!!

Yes PU u zijt geprezen!!!!
je kan nu wel denken; wat voor bullshit loopt die protiny nu weer te bazelen?
nou voor maar 45 euro heb je een jaar lang PU + MW3 op de releasedate
dat is natuurlijk een koopje maar er zit natuurlijk wel een addertje onder het gras!
het instructieboekje is niet inbegrepen!
maarja dat is natuurlijk geen probleem voor een die-hard COD fan